On the verge of celebrating its 13th birthday, ACL Music Festival continues to outdo itself year after year. I’ve been attending the festival for the past seven years and, each time around, I’ve either gotten a little smarter, or the festival has gotten a little better. Or maybe it’s a combination of both. ACL has become a well-oiled machine, from coordinated shuttles to the quality of local eats. Even the Porta Potties don’t (completely) stink.
In seven years, I’ve realized some unofficial do’s and don’ts for the event, such as: Don’t drink too much alcohol, and do drink plenty of water. Seems obvious, right? Wrong! It probably took me two ACLs to learn that one…the hard way.
In the interest of saving you from the difficulties I experienced the hard way, here are some of my best pro tips for enjoying ACL Music Fest, no matter which weekend you attend. [Read more…]