Couples yoga near the Alamo Ritz at the first VIVA! STREETS Festival (Credit Megan Ann via Flickr CC)
It’s 12:02 PM on a bright Sunday afternoon in Austin and 6th Street is completely empty of cars, trucks and delivery vans. It’s a little disconcerting at first – you’re not used to seeing 6th Street like this in the middle of the day. But as you turn a corner and near I-35, you see a group of kids and adults on yoga mats trying out a frog pose.
Although festivals shut down 6th frequently, the street usually isn’t quite this empty. For VIVA! STREETS Austin, that’s precisely the point. City Council Member Chris Riley, often a proponent of safer transportation options, has been a huge supporter of the event. “Ciclovías have been held regularly in Latin America since the 1970s, and our burgeoning bike and fitness culture makes VIVA! STREETS a perfect fit for Austin.”
The idea behind the event was to build community by transforming a street into public space and encourage active living through [Read more…]