This guest blog post is by Hunter Stanford.
Wells Branch is a course your grandfather would approve of. No bells, no whistles and it isn’t here to prove anything. Rather, one might consider this disc golf course to be a straight-shooter.
Maybe you’re still scratching your head. My grandfather doesn’t even know what disc golf is. To be clear, the Wells Branch disc golf course is as standard of a course as they come. There’s nothing incredibly hard, easy, varied or zany. Whether that’s a bad thing or not is really up to you and your expectations.
Getting Started at Wells Branch Disc Golf Course
If you guessed that the Wells Branch course is in the Wells Branch area, then gold star for you. West of where Wells Branch Pkwy hits I-35, you’ll find this quaint course nestled right off the highway.
Parallel to I-35 is Owen Tech Blvd. This is a road you will want to take south from Wells Branch Pkwy. Parking along the road was my first Wells Branch course complaint. But Owen Tech isn’t a major thoroughfare, so things should work out.
Past the IHOP headed southbound, the first tee off is to your right.
The Skinny
I feel like I started out with a disapproving tone towards this course and I want to rectify that. Wells Branch is great for beginners, with few hazards, few around-some-crazy-corner shots, and no intense distances to be covered between tees and baskets.
That said, this course shouldn’t be limited to the beginners. People who consider themselves at a pro level: leave your drivers at home and hone your mid-range skills. Someone with some experience could sink a birdie on almost every single tee.
The fact that I was somewhat disappointed by the layout is more my problem than the disc golf course’s. In retrospect, a creative disc golfer should be able to find difficulty in any course.
Go On…
If you’re like me and:
(A) you don’t own a smart phone,
(B) you get lost comically easy, and
(C) you like you some disc golf,
…then basket-to-next-tee-navigation is an issue in your life. I just finished with this basket, now where the heck is the next launch spot?
Wells Branch…could do this better. Yes, I am aware that I am complaining about the extra three minutes it takes to locate a launch spot. But this is a disc golf course review, so I’m going to bring it up dangit!
Further, if you’re up for some variety during your disc golf day, then the Wells Branch course may not hold. The longest hole doesn’t exceed 300 feet, and one dips as low as 144 feet from launch to basket.
I generally like my courses to have a little bit from column A and a little bit from column B. This was my first experience with a course this straight forward.
History Lesson
It’s worth noting that the Wells Branch disc golf course is wedged in the middle of tons of industry. The course used to be a 9-hole course. Sometime since its 1996 establishment, 9 more baskets were added.
Bearing this in mind, it’s actually pretty impressive that the powers-that-be managed to work in 9 holes – and then 9 more – between massive apartment complexes and major roads, all a stone’s throw from I-35.
En Finale…
So maybe you love everything about the Wells Branch disc golf course and now hate me as result of this review. But see this! As I was playing yesterday, yes, I was griping most of the time about the layout, distance and consistency of the course.
But I’ve since been converted, scout’s honor! As I said earlier, a good disc golfer can make any course challenging. The issue was me as a player not broadening my horizons.
There are some subtleties to the Wells Branch disc golf course that take a little throwing to find.
Distance from the State Capitol Building: 13.9 miles.
Overall distance of course: 2-3 miles.
Playing level: Beginner.
Number of baskets: 18.
Bathroom facilities on site: None, sorry ladies.
Ease of navigation: Less than great.
Cleanliness: Just fine! Trash bins a plentiful…
First date material: Oh yes.
Overall rating: 7.0!
Hunter Stanford is an Austin-based web designer with a passion for all that is awesome. That may sounds vague to you but to him it’s quite specific. Refer to for awesomeness discrepancies.
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Hi, my name is Brian Litke, and I have been working with the Wells Branch MUD on the expansion of the Wells Branch Disc Golf Course from 9 to 18 holes. I’d like to start by saying, you picked an unfortunate time for your review, because the course, as you may have noticed from the concrete teeboxes that are being added to the course this month, is in the middle of a redesign and amenities are still being added.
During March and April 2013, WB staff will be installing a kiosk with a map and bulletin board to orient new players to the course. Full color signage will be added at each hole as well as block quarry stone benches for seating. A grand opening tournament will be held on May 18, and registration should be available on the WB MUD website soon.
I’m surprised you didn’t do more research before writing a review of the course, either by Googling Wells Branch Disc Golf or by asking some local players to help inform your article. Until the signage is ready, there is a course map with hole distances available online at
I’m betting that you added outdated information to your review from the WB MUD site which says no holes are over 300 ft, but that is incorrect. The redesigned course in its short formation has two holes over 300 feet (holes 4 and 14), and I’ll be surprised if you got a 2 on either of them; although, an eagle 2 is possible on either. Perhaps you missed playing the Par4 hole 4, which is 453′ in its short position and 520′ in its long position. (We’ll start rotating basket locations when the WB workers finish installing the teepads, signs, and benches.) An easy feature to overlook is the alternate basket placements for 14 of the holes, which were installed in January, inset using green sprinkler housings. When the baskets are moved to their long positions, the Wells Branch course has 4 holes over 300′. I also suggest asking a local about alternate teeoffs that regular players use to add length and variety to your round.
As for obstacles to challenge your game, I recommend players bring a retrieval pole to the course, as 13 of the holes have the danger of going in water if you throw poorly. I have an article on making a disc retriever from a golfball retriever pole at
As you noted, this is no pro-length course, and it is set in a neighborhood. The available land restricted the size of the course, and in the redesign, we eliminated the need to cross Wells Branch Pkwy on foot, a very undesirable feature of the previous layout. If you played the old design which was more open and treeless, you’ll also note the new design is more wooded, and that’ll be a welcome feature when the summer heat arrives. You’re right there are no bathrooms onsite, but Whataburger and iHop are just across the street, so there are regularly-cleaned restrooms with TP close by, and you can grab a drink or some food while there.
The Wells Branch disc golf course is beginner and family friendly, and I think that’s a great thing. There are many long disc golf courses in Austin, like the world-class Roy Guerrero course which opened last year off Ladybird Lake. That course is so long only hardcore disc golfers enjoy the grueling 3-4 hours it takes to play it. Wells Branch provides variety and balances with the rest of the courses in town by providing a course that can be fun for players of any skill level or age.
In parting, I invite you to participate in any of the weekly disc golf events at Wells Branch.
– Tuesday evening singles at 7pm
– Sunday morning random-partner doubles at 10am
– Sunday afternoon singles at 3pm
And I hope to start a regular mixed doubles event this year. It’s a great course for couples to play at!
Brian Litke
I would have loved to talk about the course being redesigned, how great it’s going to look soon, or the 300’+ drives, but none of that can be found online. I even talked with a few people out there, and they didn’t say anything about the revamping. I tried to do the best I could with the information I could gather.
I do appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback. What’s great here is now I have a few names I can reach out to next time I do a disc golf write-up for a more comprehensive view.
Hopefully I’ll see you at one of those meetups you mentioned. Thanks for commenting.
Hunter, thanks for coming out to experience WBDGC and I am pleased that your mood changed by the end. In its own respects, it is a great course and I am pleased that you did not stay leaning negative (n my opinion) all the way through.
The dedicated group of players that maintain this course have always fought for its life and improvement, if not, long ago this stretch of flood plain would have been forgotten and stayed littered and trodden from teenager abuses.
It is a great challenge for all skill sets and Pro’s alike. As Brian posted previously, there are regular events and you can see some of our own local world class Pro’s from Team Innova even playing there. Personally, as a veteran player, when I really need to sharpen my approach and challenge game.. Wells Branch is the place to go. It’s tight and technical and a high opportunity to get wet (and a stroke on your score); so it is a great challenge with many risk vs. reward shots.
I am pleased that you are able to bring local reviews to the local places that we have and allow others to see the course through a different set of eyes. I admit, my eyes are bias because they have seen so much of the Disc Golf in Austin develop and I know that we are spoiled with so many choices.
WBDGC may not have the history of Bartholomew Park, the activity of Zilker Park, or the long challenging fairways of Roy G or Old Settlers, but it does hold its solid position as a good course.
Once the remake is completed, it will fulfill many needs in the DG community.
Thank you for the coverage and I would really enjoy seeing many of the readers to go out and experience this hidden gem on the Northside of Austin. You will see families, friends, new/old players, and maybe just a few hanging out looking for a friend to play with.
Thanks for the kind words and taking the time to comment. That course has a lot of character….
Come out to the FUNdraiser for Women Throwing Frisbees (WTF) at Wells Branch disc golf course next Saturday, March 30, 2013.
All proceeds go to pay the WTF ladies entry fees to the 9th annual Texas Women’s Championship.
Flex tee off between 9am-1pm. $15 entry fee. There’s a round of
singles and a round of doubles, so you can pay twice and play
twice. Trophy only.
WTF will have tons of super sweet merch for sale, and a huge raffle –
bring a new unmarked disc for a free raffle ticket and buy as many
tickets as you like. WTF will be providing free breakfast, lunch, and drinks for the players!
Thanks for sharing, @austin_brian:disqus!
Saturday, May 18: Wells Branch Disc Golf Course Grand Opening
The course is finished! It’s time to officially unveil the beauty of the redesigned Wells Branch Disc Golf Course – perhaps the best little disc golf course in TX.
It costs $10 to pre-register or $15 on the day of the event. Participants get a free WB-logo branded disc, reusable water bottle, and $5 coupon from DiscNation.
Call the WB MUD office to pre-register at: 512-251-9814.
@austin_brian:disqus, really appreciate you stopping by again to share this info! I knew the Grand Opening was coming up soon, but didn’t know the details. Thanks again!
I’d like to request this article be removed or updated with a new review of this course. Although it’s only 2 months old, this review is irrelevant to the course being reviewed, which has been completely upgraded in the past 2 months. I think the article is unhelpful to Austinites who may read it. Also, I’d suggest future reviews of any disc golf course not lead to a single “score”. There are several aspects of a course (difficulty, fun factor, shot variety) and having a single score really doesn’t tell us much about the course. For instance, while the new Wells Branch might not be the most difficult course in town, it may be the most fun. Wells Branch sees over 50 cars showing up to play each weekday evening–as much or more than any other course in the area. As another example, Roy Guerrero course is a champion level course newly installed in 2012 with great tees, signs, and benches, but fewer people play it regularly due to the high course difficulty level and length of time it takes to play. Both courses are awesome for what they are, but a single review score wouldn’t tell you which one might be right for you.
@austin_brian:disqus, we won’t be taking this article down, but I would like to get an updated review published, now that the renovations have taken place. I’m talking with Hunter and will be in touch with you via email soon.