Walker Independence at The Paramount Theatre
Set in Texas in the late 1800’s “Walker Independence” follows Abby Walker (Kat McNamara), an affluent Bostonian whose husband is murdered before her eyes while making their way out West. On her quest for revenge, Abby crosses paths with Hoyt Rawlins (Matt Barr), a lovable rogue in search of purpose. Abby and Hoyt’s journey takes them to Independence, Texas, where they encounter the eclectic residents of a small town who are running from their own troubled pasts and chasing their dreams.
Jared Padalecki is as an executive producer along with Seamus Fahey, Anna Fricke, Larry Teng, Dan Lin, Lindsay Liberatore and Laura Terry.
Kat McNamara (“Abby Walker”)
Matt Barr (“Hoyt Rawlings”)
Justin Johnson-Cortez (“Calian”)
Seamus Fahey – Executive Producer/ Showrunner
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