Editor’s Note: Dog and Duck Pub is closed as of November 2017.
I don’t know how to describe marriage. Sure, there are descriptors you can use to paint the picture of a relationship: happy, sad, angry, contentious; whatever. But the abundance of healthy relationships, I think — ones that work anyway — are centered in a type of commonality that isn’t really ripe for description.
When I belch and watch football and grunt like a neanderthal or if I’m dragged to the profoundly miserable Sex and the City 2 or made to endure indubitably girly “craft nights” — you know, these things that would otherwise find people incompatible — there’s that commonality with each other that brings us together.
It isn’t the hot, fiery, endless passion that plays out through romance novels, nor is it some kind of Leave it to Beaver episode where everything squares up in the end. It’s the sum of many excellent traits and an equal amount of follies, bringing two roofs to one, to constantly remind each other that “You are not alone” and that, whatever else is happening, that matters.
While I’m no love doctor (I think Iron Maiden has guitar riffs longer than the 1 year and 11 months I’ve been married), I do consider myself a normal human being, of capable but modest means, who found someone very similar. And it’s all worked for us. So we thought if it worked for us, maybe it would work for other people.
But everything else is pretty much the same. We’re experiencing new and fun stuff together. This time, in the greater Austin area. The idea behind this concept is simple: It’s a $50 date night. I picked this because I figured people of capable but modest means can afford a $50 night out every so often, and in the Austin area that’s an acceptable amount to put together a date. It’s also a great way to learn about a great city with someone else.
Blanton Art Museum – $18
In other words, it’s a safe, comfortable place to talk about any old thing you want and not have to worry about screwing up too much.
When you first enter the Blanton, you’re immediately in the presence of a great piece of artwork. Directly ahead of you is a large blue wall lining the second floor stair case that was installed as a giant exhibit in its own right. And it’s fun just to take pictures of that big, blue open space that can kind of make you feel like you’re swimming.
Dog and Duck Pub – $22
Until Next Time
“So, did I earn another date? Will you go out with me again?” I asked my wife.
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