Enjoy the Jingle Bell Jaunt at beautiful Inks Lake State Park
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In Texas, we’re blessed to have a wealth of natural beauty, historical perspective and leisure-time entertainment contained within the boundaries of our Texas State Parks. Fortunately for us, our state parks aren’t taking a break for the holiday season! In fact, Texas State Parks all over Texas have special events and activities planned for this special time of year.
Today’s podcast episode is all about the 5 best holiday events at Texas State Parks near Austin. Without further adieu, here’s our list with the all the details you need for a wonderful visit:
- Trail of Lights at Monument Hill and Kriesche Brewery State Historical Site: December 14-15th from 6-8 PM. Quarter-mile trail illuminated with thousand of Christmas lights. Walk the trail overlooking the town of La Grange and experience the traditionally-decorated 1850’s era German Home of H. L. Kriesche. Santa and Mrs. Claus in attendance. $4/adults, $1/children 3-14. 979.968.5658 for more information.
- Hometown Homemade Christmas Event at Lockhart State Park. December 15th from 11 AM-2 PM. Hands-on gift making of ornaments, bird feeders, bird houses and more, putting recycled materials to good use. Old fashioned taffy pull with taffy sampling afterwards. $3/adult, free/children 12 and under. 512.398.3479 for more information.
- Jingle Bell Jaunt at Inks Lake State Park. Every Saturday in December from 3-4 PM. Boat ride around Inks Lake on a festively decorated electric boat. Hot chocolate provided; bundle up and bring someone special to one of our favorite state parks near Austin. Park entrance fee plus $12/adults, $10 for park pass holders, seniors and children. Pre-registration is recommended. 512.793.2223 for more information.
- 43rd Annual LBJ Tree Lighting at Lyndon B. Johnson State Park. December 16th from 12-9 PM. Food sampling (from company’s like Lori Lee’s Gourmet Peanut Brittle), ornament decorating, unique gifts, live music (including the Fredericksburg Community Orchestra), classic Christmas movies (How the Grinch Stole Christmas, A Charlie Brown Christmas), Santa Claus, walk down lighted nature trail, visit with Texas Buffalo Soldiers, annual Christmas tree lighting, Sauer-Beckmann Living History Farm for German cookies, carolers, live nativity, display of 18th Century toys and games, book signings. Free, donation recommended. 830.644.2252 for more information.
- Merry Evening with Santa at McKinney Falls State Park. December 21st from 6:30-9:30 PM. Ornament and candy making, Christmas decorations, pictures with Santa, hot chocolate, warm wassail, kettle corn. Twilight hike at 7 PM, followed by star-gazing party with Austin Astronomy Club. McKinney Falls State Park is within Austin city limits. Park entrance fees apply. 512.415.8793 for more information.

The day of the annual tree lighting at Lyndon B. Johnson State Park will be filled with activities
Enjoy these wonderful events and support our awesome Texas State Parks in the process! You’ll probably see us there.
Thank you to the Austin Independent Business Alliance for sponsoring this episode of the Austinot Podcast.

Santa Claus at Lyndon B. Johnson State Park
Photos via Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and Flickr CC, courtesy of Anh, Deb Magee
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