Calliope Musicals CD release at Skinny’s Ballroom
What was planned as an 11 o’clock show time stretched to midnight, but that didn’t suck the energy from the crowd.
Skinny’s Ballroom was crammed, as fans of Calliope Musicals gathered to celebrate the release of the Austin band’s first full-length album.
As lead singer Carrie Fussell glided through their set, I sensed a heavy influence from 60s and 70s music and even conjoured up some mental images of flower power. I wasn’t too surprised to find out that the band has compared their sound to The Mamas & the Papas, Paul Simon, Jefferson Airplane, The Rolling Stones and Janis Joplin. Singer and guitarist Matt Roth even bounced up and down a bit like the boys on the Ed Sullivan Show back in the day.

Calliope Musicals’ Carrie Fussell
A hard edge was definitely there. Though Carrie Fussell does have a lovely voice, displayed in one of the group’s slower songs, she didn’t bother with it for most of the night. Instead, most of her vocals reminded me of how I sing when I’m driving on the highway with all my windows down, and I want everyone in the car to hear me sing my favorite song.
Not surprisingly, the night favored songs on the new album, Magic Militia. But the band did play a new song and invited the crowd to participate by shaking little tambourines that had been passed out. Between that and the Jason hockey masks that the band sported for their big entrance, I knew everyone was in for a fun night. It was refreshing to see a band give extra thought to entertaining their audience.

Gotta sport the Jason masks on Friday the 13th
Magic Militia
There’s more that sets Calliope Musicals apart. They’ve recuited homeless Austinites to be their real-life Magic Militia. Members of the Magic Militia are given copies of the Magic Militia album to sell, and white t-shirts printed with “Buy a Calliope Musicals CD from me!”
Calliope isn’t taking any money back from the Magic Militia. Whatever profits are made, the homeless get to keep. Meet the Magic Militia on Calliope Musicals’ blog and look for a member on a street corner near you.
This band has been around Austin since 2008, and they’ve built a faithful following with their energetic sound, friendliness and humanitarian spirit. Connect with them today on their Tumblr, Facebook or Twitter.
@QuasiBrit asks:
What do you think of the Magic Militia concept?
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This show caught me totally by surprise. I have seen Calliope Musicals perform before, but the theatre groove at Skinny’s set up a very dramatic climate. Then there were the masks. I know they were supposed to look like “Friday the 13th,” but in that light, with Carrie slamming a bass drum like a taiko prophet, it felt more like “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” But once they got into their set, I remembered what the album was really about: folky, dancy swoons about love, hope, and dancing, too fun to be sad, too pretty for pandering. The only problem is that I missed out on the in-your-face temporary tattoos, which expressed my sentiments precisely: “Calliope Musicals, Bitch.”
@4aa6f6bcf1a9ecf6091fe2483f12d838:disqus I didn’t really know what to expect. When they came out with Jason Masks, and Carrie was wailing away on the drum it was definitely an attention grabber. I didn’t put the two together at first that it was Friday the 13th. Guess I’m a little slow on the uptake.. but then when I got it.. I had to laugh at myself.. very fun group.
I’m proud to be a Calliope Musicals fan, even if they are scary with those Jason masks on. A good time was had by all in attendance at this show! Don’t forget that you can buy the CD online too http://magicmilitia.bandcamp.com/
Thanks for the tip on the CD!
This show was awesome! I loved the Jason mask intro and everything after. Thank you Calliope Musicals for a great time and congrats on the release!
The show was GREAT! It was my first time in Austin and a friend suggested we check out Calliope Musicals as she had seen them before. Having not slept much the night before, I almost didn’t make through the delay in the start. But within the first minute of the show I was full of life again! Honestly, it isn’t really my type of music, but somehow I still love it! Have you ever watched someone do something that they were absolutely destined to do, and do it with such passion that you know that they are aware that this is what they should be doing? It gives you chills and shortness of breath. If you’ve never experienced this before, Carrie of Calliope Musicals can offer you the experience. Go to the next show!
So cool, Tyrone! Totally awesome that you made your first trip to Austin and enjoyed it! Out of curiosity, what else did you fit into your first trip to ATX?
Such a rad show! I’ve seen Calliope Musicals many times, and the vibe at Skinny’s, along with the extra touches (masks, tambourines, tats), took this show to the next level. The energy between the band and the crowd was magical indeed.
I absolutely love the idea of helping the homeless community through sales of the CD… totally in line with the spirit of this band and their music!
Yeah, love their innovation and community spirit. Very cool. Bravo Calliope!
Awesome show! Brilliant melodies and clever lyrics, everything I look for in a live performance.
So fun! It was a real experience for sure. They very clearly love what they do. I love Calliope’s sound and sense of style! Definitely will see again!
I’ve seen a few Calliope shows and this one was by far the best. The tamborines got everybody involved from the beginning and the masks certainly grabbed the crowds attention. You know the band is good when they have the whole room moving!
It was a lot of fun, they really did grab my attention with the masks at the opening. Great show! Thanks for the comment @036b83be396f58897c1b2da36be4fa4b:disqus